Sunday, April 5, 2009

Activity III fun with facebook

I have not really taken any Facebook tests so I had my little brother check this and he said it was ok.

Part I: Tim Baker

Hemp Necklace Pound of Worms

Solar Panel Composting Toilet

Plastic necklace

Harness for Beached Whales

Fuel Cell car (Honda FCX Clarity)

Voucher for the perfect nature hike

Extra pair of walking shoes to save gas Organic Jelly Beans for Easter

A Whole 33,000 Organic Dairy Farm

Limited Edition:
Go Green (and White) / Save the Endangered Huskies T-shirt 

Part II: Which World War dictator are you most like?

Question 1:
Do you handle criticism well?
Yes [] No []

Question 2:
Do you have facial hair?
Yes [] No []

Question 3:
Have you attended college?
Yes [] No []

Question 4:
Are you an accomplished poet?
Yes [] No []

Question 5:
Have you edited a newspaper?
Yes [] No []

Question 6:
Are you a vegetarian?
Yes [] No []

Question 7:
Are you often considered to be short?
Yes [] No []

Question 8:
Have you served time as a school teacher?
Yes [] No []

If you answered yes to Question 1 good for you, but unfortunately none of these dictators took criticism very well and in fact all set up either mass death camps or prosecuted huge ethnic and/or political killing sprees. The most well know is of course, Hitler’s answer to “the Jewish Problem” which we all know as the Holocaust.

If you answered yes to Question 2 then put a point for Hitler and Stalin. Both had mustaches during the height of their political careers. Hitler’s was the oddest and most recognizable.

If you answered yes to Question 3 then put a point for both Stalin and Mao. Stalin attended a Georgian Orthodox Seminary on scholarship for several years. He was kicked out before he took his finals because his poor family was unable to pay the bills. Mao lasted in school much longer, attending the University of Peking.

If you answered yes to Question 4 give yourself 2 points for Mao. He was a very well respected poet, and would have been even without his high political office. He concerned himself mainly with the classic Chinese ci and shi forms of poetry. He also wrote in the traditional Chinese form and was considered a romantic. During his lifetime he was also a widely acclaimed master of calligraphy.

If you answered yes to Question 5 then give yourself a point for Stalin and Mussolini. Stalin started the most famous of all Bolshevik newspapers, Pravda, in 1912. Mussolini also started his party’s newspaper and edited it, but he had training as a classical journalist and had traveled abroad as a journalist.

If you answered yes to Question 6 then give yourself 2 points for Hitler. Hitler was an extreme vegetarian, who even disapproved of his lover Eva Braun wearing makeup because the animal testing involved.

If you answered yes to Question 7 then give yourself 2 points for Stalin. His actual height is unknown, which is less surprising when you understand the extent of the personality cult that was built around him. Experts have guessed his height to be between 5’5” and 5’6”. All of his statues instead portray him as closer to 6’ or 7’ tall.

If you answered yes to Question 8 give yourself 2 points for Mussolini. Although he never went to college his boarding school diploma qualified him to teach elementary school, which he did for at least one year after graduation.